Store owner forces employees to sign document sacrificing all breaks: 'I prefer to eat and drink at my station instead'

Tracey Folly

*This is a work of nonfiction based on actual events I experienced firsthand; used with permission.

In my early twenties, I worked at a busy liquor store. The store owner ruled with an iron fist. He immediately fired anyone who disagreed with him or failed to follow his stringent rules.

One of his rules was that employees were not allowed to take breaks. We were not allowed to sit down or rest, even for a few minutes. To ensure all workers complied, he made new employees sign a document before the start of their first shift.

The document stated the employee agreed to work straight through their shift without taking any breaks. If they violated this rule, he fired them.

He showed anyone who refused to sign the document the door before they made it to the time clock. The document read, in part: "I will not take coffee breaks, smoke breaks, lunch breaks, or breaks of any kind. I prefer to eat and drink at my station instead."

Unfortunately, unless an employee brought enough food and drinks to last through their shift and kept them at their workstation, they'd still go thirsty and hungry. No one could leave their post to fetch food or drinks, not even water.

This job was one of the most soul-sucking experiences of my life. The conditions were inhumane, and the stress of working long hours without any breaks took a toll on my mental and physical health. After six months, I finally quit. To this day, I can't stand the sight of liquor stores.

I often saw employees who were exhausted and dehydrated from working long shifts with no breaks. Some even fainted from heat exhaustion during the summer months.

If we needed to use the restroom, we had to do so before work or wait until after work. This meant that many of us held our bladders for hours at a time.

The store owner's rationale was that he didn't want to lose money by having an employee not working during their shift. Bathrooms were to be used off the clock and preferably off the premises.

However, this policy led to several problems. First, a lack of restroom breaks led to many employees quitting. Second, those of us who stayed often got sick because we could not sit down to rest or use the bathroom no matter how many hours we worked.

Sadly, my former boss is still in business. However, I have no idea whether he has since changed his business practices.

I hope that no one has to experience what I did at that liquor store. No one should have to work in such dehumanizing conditions. Unfortunately, I know that there are many other workers out there who are in similar situations.

If you are one of them, my heart goes out to you. I hope that you can find the strength to fight for your rights and improve your working conditions. You deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Have you ever worked for a boss who made unreasonable demands? Sound off below.

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